It's For Whoever (Obviously) xD ;P >.<

Part 4

Fame Tag Her Tail Part 4
I sat back in my chair, stunned. Why would Josh bother to talk to me? And what did he mean by 'I was out at band practice'? He totally had dropped the hint he wanted to be there to see me when I came. Why? Maybe... he has some sort of interest in me??? Finally, at least he notices I'm alive! And he even emailed me! Could this mean something? Many questions spun through my head, but no answers came back to me. I hated it when there were no answers. I always like to know EVERYTHING. Wait, what was I thinking? It just seems so dog-eared. I mean, how could he like a girl thats, like, FOUR YEARS younger than him? Who isn't all that pretty? Who is only one out of a billion choices of girls?
By the time I finished my steady reel of all reasons why he would not like me, I felt remotely satisfied with my tempory conclusion (s)
  1. he probably was trying to be friendly to me, since I am something to do with him.
  2. Or, he was simply just teasing me, playing around.
  3. OR.... he probably wrote emails like that to every girl he meets. Your average flirt.
There, done. Simple. Written in black and white.
But the time to pick up Angie from school came to soon. I had to leave in five minutes. I quickly typed him back a reply.

Hey Josh
yer wat do u know? Anything 2 do with time makes me a klutz! =P
heh heh nxt time I wont be THAT eager. g2g & pik up my little sis from scool.
Anyways, guess ill see u around too
cya, Kat

I pressed Send, not bothering to check it over. I waited till my page had reloaded and then clicked on my Sent Inbox and found my email. I clicked on it to reread it. I usually did that, to see how my emails always turned out as the 'after' result- because what was in your Sent Inbox, is what will be in someones actual Inbox. So you get the point people.
The email took a little longer to appear; but when it did, I noticed something VERY wrong. This wasn't my email. It was not mine. The words that stared back at me were unfamiliar. I didn't write this. Sure, it was the right time and date and everything. Even the subject was the same. It read this:

To Joshua,
Get out of my life. You are simply annoying me and please never contact me again. You are just some vain selfish person that sends dodgy emails to waste everyone's time. Who do you think you are? Take this as a warning, I am not to hear from you ever again. EVER.
From Katrina.

I held my breath. Was this for real? I know I did not write this. And that could only mean one thing. I have been hacked.

One minute my life is breath-takingly perfect, the next its downright dissapointing, before you know it it's some fire illusion, and then it's just plain crazy. Life is a big never-ending rollercoaster. Not that i'm very fond of it. I mean, the rollercoasters.
I heaved a sigh and hurried my arms into a raincoat, as a slight drizzle had started. Tying up my new combat boots, I clomped down the stairs and snagged a bun from the pantry. I slammed the door behind me and shielded my eyes. I'd deal with the hacking scandal later.
I walked all the way over to Angie's school, which was about a kilometre away from home. As I neared the school, I heard it first before I saw it. It was always like this; kids yelling at the top of their voices, mothers cradling crying babies, honking cars, snappy teachers, barking dogs.... it reminded me a lot of high school. And you know, I hate to admit it, but I actually miss high school. Not the actual classes. I miss all my best friends- all those hysterical moments we've had. All the mischeif we'd been up to; secretly recording teachers when they were shouting and passing funny notes to each other and all that.
And I miss the atmosphere. It is basically where you spend a third of you life till your eighteen. You get so used to being there. There was always someone who had some juicy gossip, and their was always a continuous contest of who had the quirkiest story to tell. It was great fun, in high school. Those hushed conversations you had in a corridor where you weren't supposed to talk. Or those times when you accidently snorted and giggled in class or the library and everyone turns in their seats to stare at you.
But you probably wonder- why AREN'T I in high school? I'm only 15. I still have those three years left in school. Here's the reason: I have stopped going to high school temporarily due to my 'destined career', as my English teacher, Mrs Holt, says. What that means is that since I have decided (well, sort of. God probably had it marked off on his map of my life plan) to become a singer, it put a stop to my education momentarily. Because I have a concert and a music video to plan and perform. And my school willingly -a bit too willingly, but thats a good thing right?- gave me a 30 month suspension.
Its a bit like annual leave, they explained. It didn't have to be 30 months straight of no school; I could just go to school for a while until I can't afford to lose time there and then go back to my life as a singer. So it'll be like I'm there one week and gone the next. The longest I'm I could stay at school straight with no single day missed, could probably be about maybe two weeks. And thats a big BUT.

What kind of education was this, huh? Not your ideal norm way for sure.
This school day was particuly noisy. It certainly was far more louder and crowded than last time. Well, the oval was a bit crowded. What was going on? Angie must be wondering where I was by now. I figured if I quickly tracked her down and pulled her outta this dump, we'd be home in one piece. If we weren't one of the first ones out, there was going to be a lot of traffic once the 'event' has finished.

I decided to wait a bit till the crowd as thinned out a bit so I could squeeze in and get out to the front. Wait, wasn't I taller than the little primary kids? Sure, I was, but I could see quite a lot of adults around too. And was that an-ambulance???
That did it. I had to find out what was going on. I was getting worried. I should've found Angie by now; she was hard to miss. Angie spelled loud colours. You could've sworn you'd seen a pride of lions following her around. Thats why she should have been spotted by this time.
I was just about to turn around when I spotted a familiar figure. This figure was skipping and hollering and waving madly. I shouted back and waved by arms. “Angie!!! Angie over here!!!! Its Kat!!!” But then the figure in the distance stopped short. As I hurried nearer, Angie was looking at me quizically. My cheeks burned. I felt like and idiot. This wasn't Angie. This Angie had freckles across her nose and a little beauty spot on her cheek. And her hair was parted sideways. Angie never wore it like that. She always made a big fuss of having it parted straight in the middle in a perfect line.
But it sure looked like a clone, or a twin. Funny how people can look exacly like you but are not one bit related. Little did I know.....
I watched the Angie clone run up to a woman who was apparently her mother. Then she started yammering away something I couldn't quite catch and pointed her finger at me. I turned five shades redder as I realised she was telling her mum what I had did. How stupid of me.
The woman suddenly stopped cold when she saw me. Her face turned to stone and her eyes besetted a look of shock. But then her expression became impassable again. She hurried the girl away and gave me a long, hard stare that could've turned me to ice if I was a bottle of water.

Looks like its plain clear to me I was somehow disturbing to her. Was it my outfit, or maybe my combat boots? Suddenly I wished I never did put them on. Why not my Nikes? Why? Why? Why? Or maybe she just detested teenagers. Whatever the reason, she held something against me.

As a stretcher was hauled into the ambulance, I tore my gaze away and ran to the ambulance. Maybe I could ask them for a search or something? As I approached, one of the paramedics were apparently looking for someone. The paramedic asked, “May you by any chance be Katrina McKenzy, miss?” I swallowed hard. “Um, yes...” I croaked. My throught felt dry all of a sudden. “It is required you ride with your sister, Angie McKenzy to the hospital, please. There has been a slight accident, and the poor child needs a trip there.” explained the paramedic, consulting a clipboard. WHAT IS WITH ADULTS AND CLIPBOARDS???

My blood ran cold. An accident! I so did not want to enter the dreaded building again, yet alone even see it. The thing gave me nightmares. I'm sure Angie wouldn't appreciate it either, would she? “What exactly happened, anyway? This accident I hear about?” I inquired, putting on my best immitation of a 'mature' voice adults seemed to always use. The paramedic frowned.
From what the school's security cameras showed, Angie was attacked by a group of 'thugs'. Mainly boys. Apparently she was heading to the library, when this 'thug group' approached her. They said a few things, which the cameras didn't detect, and then, God bless the poor girl, attacked her with no mercy. It has been suspected that this bullying most likely would've been going for a while before this happened.” Talk about a great exaggeration about the “thugs” bit. Helpful information to know for a person who's already beside herself with worry!

The paramedic shook her head. “From her bruises and scrapes, we assume they were quiet strong, meaning they were possibly older. She- Angie was it?- is definitely in need of bandages and stitches.” Big Gulp. Second Big Gulp. Third Big.... before I could gulp again I was pushed inside the ambulance. I sat on the little side bench. The doors were slammed, and the ambulance took off with a jolt, sirens howling.
I leaned over, found Angie's hand, and held it. Her fingers tightened her grip on my hand. She was still unconsious, since the group of attackers just about knocked her out. I should've known Angie was getting bullied. Why else would be the reason when Angie would come home from school, with a face as white as a ghost and a wound on her knee or a scrape on her arm. Or a bruise on her face? Or red puffy eyes? Yet she never told us.

I started sobbing, and the tears plopped on my lap. I watched as first two, then three drops fell and created a wet spot on my jeans. I squeezed my eyes shut and started praying. I prayed that God would somehow use this situation to make something good out of it. I prayed that Angie would recover quickly. I prayed that God would continue protecting my little sister for the rest of her life. I prayed for me to stop worrying.
After I finished, I felt a whole lot better. Praying really worked; God was for real. He IS real. And I knew many teens faced everyday without God. How could they do that? How could they manage? I don't know. Angie sleepily opened her eyes and blinked rapidly at me. I smiled and recited our favourite verse, “ 'He remembered us in our weakness. His faithful love endures forever.' ” Angie half smiled. “And where is this verse from, Angie?” I said as I eyed the hospital looming into view. “Psalms 136 verse 23...” she whispered right as the doors were opened.

She was lifted out of the stretcher, me following close behind. Her stretcher was rolled into the emergency department. Just as I was about to follow down a corridor, a baulky nurse blocked my way. “Sorry, but you can't go any further. Please take a seat in waiting room C until further notice”. I turned back, found waiting room C, and collapsed on the nearest plastic chair. Immediately I pulled out my iphone and dialled Dad's number. Would he get a suprise......
After calling dad, where he said he would be on his way, I continued to wait. During my wait I skimmed through eight magazines, completed two crosswords, and a game of noughts and crosses with another kid. When the baulky nurse finally reappeared, I was allowed to go and see Angie. Baulky led me down that narrow corridor. I kept my face straight ahead, ignoring the rooms I was passing, dead people strewn on their beds... okay, maybe not dead, but some of them sure LOOK like it. My face impassive, she led me to that same children's ward that I'd worked hard all these years to forget, but too late, it was all coming back to me. Wanted or not.
Baulky opened the door. I risked a glance at the reception desk, but the old receptionist wasn't there. Not that I excpected her to be, after these years. I went to see Angie. Kneeling by her bed, she stared at me, eyes wide. “Kitty, I don't like this place...” I knew the reason why. Seven years old is not so young to remember signifcant stuff. Hopefully she didn't remember too much. I grasped her hand, and whispered in her ear. “Angie, I don't like this place either.”

Angie had a bandage on her left eyebrow, with the left eye swollen, hanging like a bag. A blue stripe trailed from her mouth, displaying beautiful hues of purple, all in the name of wrong. I could see that she already had the stitches done in her lips, as I leaned closer to examine them. And I won't even get STARTED on the other things. Kissing her on the forehead, I acutely became aware of the Baulky Nurse's precence, her frame leaning against the doorway. “Sorry, am I overtime?” Smiling, she shook her head. “No, its just that... I can't help but notice how... how sweet you look together. You guys just seem to touch me.” I managed a small smile, tears gathering in my eyes. She had no idea. 

“How much longer - sniff- will Angie stay here -sniff- in the hospitable for this?” Jerking her chin away, she hissed, “Dont' try to be smart with me, you bratty little pop star! I know who you are. Come on now, I don't have time for games.” What!! All of a sudden she was doing the mushy-mushy stuff, now she's spitting at us as though we sued her! “Um, excuse me? Didn't I, uh, have five minutes left?” Bad mistake. “Tttt! Think you know everything, do you, sweetie? I'm the one in charge here, and you do as I say!” she exclaimed. And with that, she marched me away. The last thing I saw was Angie's face, peeping out at me.
Once we reached the waiting room, I sharply shrugged off Baulky's firm grip of my arm, seething. If I didn't know better, I'd thought smoke was steaming out of my ears! “Now what do you think you're doing you....!” Before I could finish my string of anger, a sweaty hand clamped over my mouth. Quickly realising how that could look in public, Baulky immediately released me. “Quiet, kid! No scenes in public! But I strongly advise to NOT show up here again.” she sniggered, a smug grin playing at her lips. My eyes slid to her name tag. Barbara. Hmm.

I put up my hands in surrender. “Ok, ok, calm your farm! No need to be so hasty. I've got the message, Barbara.” She scowled. “You got that right, kid. And hey, the names not Barbara you twit, its Gloria- you got that!” I gasped. I couldn't believe it. A real one in this hospital? Realisation struck Gloria at the same time. That vile women could've made up some lame tongue-stuttering excuse, but she chose option number two. Shove me out of the way and run for it. Attracting quite a crowd, I shouted, “After her!!!” Security appeared and bounded down the hall. I rolled my eyes. Those uniformed galumphs were as fit as my granny overweight. This wouldn't do.

Before anyone could stop me, I shot off down the hall, hearing a satisfying whoosh! as I flew by the surprised guards. I grinned, the fun is about to begin. I rushed down the corridor I saw her head down last. Hmm, I can't see her anywhere, I thought as I ran, nearly slipping on someones spilled drink. I saw a flash of colour, and turned to see a large figure hurrying down another corridor to my right.
Oh no you dont, you're not getting away from me! I thought as I leapt on Gloria and tackled her down. Once I finally had her pinned down, I stared down into a face. Which was completely unfamilair. Big oops! How was I going to talk myself out of this one? First of all, I had just passed out a totally different person, and second of all, that venomous Gloria got away!
I sheepishly peeled myself off. “Oh, umm I'm so terribly sorry, mam! I was looking for someone else, but looks like I got the wrong person.” I laughed nervously. The woman gave me one look and dashed round the corner. Wait a minute. What the hurry? I watched after where she'd gone. I had a strange feeling it actually was the right person I'd gotten myself tangled up with. In fact, as I now recall, she actually DID look kind of familiar. Those wide green eyes, that nasty crooked smile. All the same. Just a thinner face, with a different shape and everything. Different nose too.

I'd heard of people using face masks before, as a disguise. It could make a person look completely different, to a certain extent. From the distance, its God knows who. Up close, aha! I put my head in my hands. She was gone for good. For now, I hope. I'll get to the bottom of this, sooner or later, I thought as a pathetic excuse for a security guard caught up with me. “Lost her?” I nodded. The guard barked something in his walkie-talkie, and immediately there was a response. Him and the other person on the other end yammered on for a few minutes, and then he muttered, “Alright, thanks Fred. Over and Out.” He slid it back in his pocket and beckoned me to walk with him.

We walked all the way back, him leading, picking up the other two guards along the way.
I caught a bus home, with a promise for a deeper look into the case. I didn't know what all that had meant. It all innoncently started out as a simple hospital visit, ending with a chase after a nasty “nurse”. What do I make of it? And could it all possibly connect with that email hack? It sure seemed likely someone as nasty a Gloria could pull it off. But then again, what am I to her? How could she possibly know me, that I was “the right person”?
On the other hand, lets reword that! She actually could, potentially, know me because of those newspaper articles, the TV news & possibly the songs or video. So there are plenty of possibilities where she could've seen me. Even more possibly, I am more than sure she is connected with someone. Or a few someones. But why so interested?

I walked up to the front porch and knocked on the door. No sound. I looked through the crack in the curtains. Strange. No light on, no flash of colour or activity, no movement. Silent, still and dark. What had happened to Dad? Didn't he come from work about this time of evening? Looks like I was about to find out, I thought as I searched for the spare key in the garage. I finally found it tucked in the folds of an old rug.
I unlocked the door and stepped inside, any moment now excepting Budget to bound up to me and brandish my face with wet, joyous licks. I looked around, turning on the light. No big dog came bounding. What could possibly be going on? If Dad was out somewhere, and thats a big if, surely he wouldn't take along Budget with him for a ride? He knew I was coming from the hospital.

The hospital!!! I slapped my forehead, over and over. How could I have forgotten? Oh Lord, please help me here! If I finally remembered correctly, I'd given a call to Dad to come over to the hospital, telling him about Angie's situation. And then, I remember, he had told me he was coming right over. What with the whole Gloria episode, I'd completely wiped him out of my mind. And there he was, searching for an invisible girl by the name of Katrina McKenzie! He probably would've driven the hospital staff mad by now.

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