It's For Whoever (Obviously) xD ;P >.<

Part 7

My Life As A Famous Celebrity Part 7

Soon after, she changed her star performer outfit for one of her new items, a sleek not-too-low-cut dress that brought out her figure quite nicely, and her ED Hardy boots and feather earrings. She gave a huge, brilliant smiles to her screaming fans & gracefully started signing autographs, chatting comfortably, posing for pictures, and acting “natural” around the press, paparazzi & reporters.
The next day, they all headed off to a very fancy, swanky hotel in LA. It was much the similar routine of yesterday, and Kat thoroughly enjoyed it. And it was as she was walking into the snack bar that it happened. Someone gripped her shoulder and she'd spun around, seeing no-one. Then, after she had her little snack (all the time looking for the hand-gripper, until finally realizing it must've been a fan/reporter of some sort). She waltzed out of the snack bar & headed for her dressing room, to plan her next performer costume for tomorrow- at the Staples Arena! She let herself into her dressing room, hearing her “No Access” door card swing loudly...and then all of a sudden it stopped. And there was a click as the door locked.

Eyes widening, she rushed over and frantically tried the doorknob. She was locked in! “Help! Let me out of here! Help! I'm locked in!!!!!!” She continued shouting & banging at the door, but no-one came. She plunked herself down into a chair in frustration. She looked at the clock. 15 minutes till she was due. Until then, Derrick & Ace wouldn't worry. And anyway, somebody might realize they're mistake & come back and let her out. Meanwhile, she should try & keep calm, and think of other things, to distract herself.

Like her outfit for the Staples Arena tomorrow. She flung open her doors and contemplated her racks and shelves. She finally decided on some black 5 inch shoe with feathery flowers adorned on the toe-bit, and which had a glass heel. She picked out some net tights, and a short dress. The dress was quite strappy, with string-like strips of fabric slinking down her arms, with a low-back & chains going across her back. Then she turned to her makeup. She decided to go for the Bad Romance Big-Eyed Look. She set out her black eyeliner & white eye-pencil, her shimmery bright red lipstick & lip-gloss, her blush compact, an assortment of brushes & an array of makeup tools, One by One Maybelline Mascara (volumizer, thickener & lenghtener) very sparkly eyeshadow & diamontes for the edge of her eyes. 

She also set out her Rounding Contacts. She packed all of this in a purple bag, and her outfit into another snake-skin zipper bag. She knew part of Derrick's team would pack up all her “dressing-room” stuff to be transported to her next location.
Then she once again sat down, this time on the beanbag. She looked at the clock. It was time! And she of course couldn't show up, and hopefully Ace & Derrick were looking for her this minute! Boy would she have quite a few words to say! She heard a small commotion from somewhere, as obviously reporters started babbling, and the crowd starting to get impatient & complaining about refunds. She crossed her arms & huffed. WHO DID THIS?

Just as she was about to have a kick at the door, the lock turned & the door swung open. She tentatively stepped out, and just caught sight of a two figures hurrying around the corner: a bulky one and a suite-clad one. Before she had time to think about it, Ace & Derrick had spotted her & rushed up to her. “Where on earth were you?” Ace screeched. “Kat! You know you were suppose to be there on stage 10 minutes ago!” Then, with cam-corders, tape-recorders, cameras & ears straining, she began her story. There was a buzz of interest, and immediately everyone started looking out for the “offenders”.
Everyone, everyone!” Kat clapped her hands for attention, and about ten microphones were flung in her face. “I'd just like to say this: I know you're all curious & annoyed as to who do this, but I do know that I think I might know who they were. I know them, and a few incidents have occurred in the past. I won't share further than this for now: the show must go on! I'll make sure no-one's tickets go to waste!!”

Kat rubbed her eyes and stretched as the early morning Hollywood sunlight streamed in through her window. She dragged her body out of her comfy, warm bed and quickly skulled a glass of water. She drank down a cough lolly for her sore throat and struggled getting in her clothes.

Today was the final and very last day of her USA Blooming Tour 2012. The final show, the biggest location. The Staples Arena. Kat drank down a quick cup of Espresso coffee and a cheese bagel. She hurried out of her condo and took the lift down, where she strode out of the building, walking towards the van and her limo. Her chauffeur, Bruno, opened the door for her. She acknowledged him with a smile and slipped into the limo, where Ace was busy talking into her mouthpiece. Her headset seemed to always be permanently attached to her head, thought Kat.

Then, leaning my head on the sideboard, I allowed my eyes to droop. I really felt like having a little nap. These days, I never object against some shut-eye. Catching zzzzz's was all I ever felt like doing now. Ace said it was because of my constant moving and performing, my days being out and about. I'll be kinda glad to be back home in Australia, in my bedroom with my family. And come to think of it, I think I'm actually ready to come back to school now. After this tour, I'll talk to mum about continuing school the next month, if nothing else comes up. Which it might after my spectacular time in America.
The last thing I saw, as I dozed off, was Ace hiding a small, knowing smile, and the beautiful view of Hollywood from the window. And there were LOTS of things in that view.


I cautiously peeked through the window, and gasped. There was a line of people stretching for almost two blocks! “Wow...” I breathed, making a quick decision in my head and stepping out onto the balcony. A tremendous roar rose from the crowd, and girls screamed, holding up posters, and guys held up there hands and formed heart shapes, shouting her name. I waved, and rose my arms in the air and returned the heart shape back to them. I laughed and pulled out my iphone, and the crowd went wild.
Everyone was cheering, as I snapped a picture of my fans. With one final wave, I dissapeared inside.

When my stylists finished putting the last touch of my makeup, and one of the assistants did some last-minute checks of my outfit that I'd chosen, thanks to yesterday's lock-in. I inhaled and exhaled slowly, and sang a few scales and exercises with my vocal coach. I hurried up the stairs, at the top of the arena, ready for my entrance.
The starting line sounded, and music started pounding the arena, smoke swirling across the stage, neon lights flashing. And as I started singing, I started lowering downwards, appearing out of the middle of 'nowhere' on a diamante platform, holding only onto a pole, where I had to bravely do some moves, swinging around the pole. It was exhilarating, and definitely scary! I felt so high up, above the whole crowd. I was literally shaking like jelly, as I went through my moves in mid-air. 

Finally, the podium landed, and I strutted off, arms in the air. I was grinning, singing my heart out. Girls were screaming, jumping up and down, everyone was singing along. It was wild. Cameras swung around up over my head and into my face. I was on live TV, performing in front of millions of people (including viewers). As I walked by I thrust my hand out, sweeping across the front row, and a thousand hands reached out, hoping for a hi-five from the sensational singer.

I sung all of my songs, and then at the end I did a special surprise performance, where I sung an exclusive song from my soon-to-be-released album, Starstruck, where my dancers and me shaked and twisted our bodies in a dance. I couldn't help but absolutely love all this, as I kicked my legs in the air and shimmied by body. I was in all the headlines and TV shows that very day, though during my whole tour there were spots here and there, of course. I had become America's new Aussie Heart-Captivating Singer-Songwriter.

And as I was in the midst of all these people milling about after the show, it was when I caught sight of a figure I'd come to know so well. Barbara. Dear, dear Barbara. At the very sight of Gloria's body I cringed, and instantly my mind had a flashback of yesterday- the two figures rushing away around the corner. One in a suit and one BAULKY. Gloria surely would've have been capable of something like that! My mind slowly replayed the scene once more, and I closed my eyes in deep concentration, focusing on every detail as closely as possible. Hmm, the figure in the suit had bright red hair! And I think I saw a faint black tattoo of a scorpion on the hand......which could only mean one person.

Jeremiah Spikes. And he'd been to one of my concerts before, I distinctly remember. He was the one WHO KINDLY ROBBED MY HOME. But then I also remembered something else, all back to that very day.....something didn't quite add up. I furrowed my brow. His last and final visit.....highly skilled canine....jumped through the window.....went and man....

Thats it! The report had been that Jeremiah had his trained dog with him, who'd jumped through the window for him and stole those goods. But then what about the drugging bit? I know that someone had definitely plunged that needle into my neck, a while before the glass was smashed. And upon examination, the hole made was only big enough for a dog to come through, not a fully-grown man. Maybe, just maybe, the two of them were allies!

I felt shocked at this new discovery. And as I looked up, pasting on my superstar smile for the cameras, I definitely saw her. And she was looking right at me! With this evil, smug smile pasted on her stupid, ugly, hideous face! I thought viciously, feeling like going over and pounding her till her eyeballs popped out. But then, ew. Enough talk. My job was to act oblivious! It gave you the advantage when your enemy thinks you don't know or don't notice, because then they can go further, less careful, and reveal more. It works like that with bullies. If you ignore them, they'll eventually lose interest and get bored, and move on to their next victim, to see their reaction and have 'fun'. So called FUN, Kat bitterly remembered. And just look where that FUN ended Angie up in. A hospital!

I spotted by devoted chauffer, who'd driven me from location to location this whole tour. Bruno. He turned around, eyeballing me. Something in his stare, the way he turned his head.....I gave a friendly wave. Bruno turned back around, squaring his shoulders. I was confused. And then Gloria herself stalked outside, heels clicking, wrapping an arm around Bruno's shoulders. This could not be good news.......

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