It's For Whoever (Obviously) xD ;P >.<

Part 8- THE END

Fame tag Her Tail
Final Part- Number 8
“Tell us, Kat, what has been the best part of touring our beloved country, America? Did you like it?” I blinked two times before I realized a fluffy blue microphone was stuffed in my face, and an expectant reporter was waiting for my answer. I immediately recovered from my thoughts and smiled brightly. “Oh, just meeting all the wonderful PEOPLE here, really. I'm a very friendly person, and I just enjoyed talking to different people. America is a very special place and now that I'm finally here, yes, I've been blown away. Thank you for all my awesome fans here!!”

“Will you continue touring and writing songs in the future? And tell us a little bit about you general experience of getting up on a stage, the whole thing.”

I fluffed up my hair a bit (hopefully I didn't look like a frizz ball by now, but tomorrows broadcast on TV will tell). “Yes, I definitely WILL continue touring and writing songs. As everyone knows, it is all part of a singer's career, and oh I am loving it!” I turned to the camera. “And as you all have probably heard, my soon-to-be-released new album, Starstruck, is coming out VERY soon! I suggest you start looking in the stores sometime next month, and I will hint, that special performance and song at the end of today's show will be in it!” I winked at the camera and mimed blowing a kiss, half-turning around as I thought I was finished. But looks like the reporter wasn't quite done yet, so I spun back around.

“That is such a great thing to hear, especially from such a beautiful, young girl as you. Now how old were you again, Kat?”

That definitely hit me. I actually was quite young. I was still a teen, in HIGHSCHOOL for Pete’s sake! “Oh thank you! I am actually only fifteen, and at the moment I'm out of school, though I would like to go back for a bit. I think the one thing stars sometimes fantasise about these days is the feeling of being, you know, normal. Fame is a great thing, but for some it gets tiring and some do wish back there previous 'normal' lifestyle. A lifestyle without a camera flash. So yeah I am pretty excited to go back to living my 'normal' life style again.”

I was sure astounding everyone with what I had to say! Not only was I beautiful, talented, with an amazing voice, I was also very interesting to talk to and the things I had to say were definitely worth listening to. Some of it definitely sounds like something beyond my years. Well, at least according to some TV show host I overheard. But I do think that is true, in a way.

“And now, quickly coming back to my question I asked about earlier, so, what was your own personal experience with this whole touring and stage debut business. You know, the whole behind-the-scenes.”

God, every single person was looking at me. I think I was on live TV.

I cleared my throat. “Well, it sure was the experience of a lifetime. Yeah, definitely. I mean, for some people, they think that being a celebrity is all easy and full of glamour, you know, just prancing about on a stage screaming your lungs out, being sandwiched like jelly between fans and paparazzi, breezing by a camera inching its way behind your every step.” I received a round of laughs and a few knowing smiles. “But its absolutely NOT like that. Being a celebrity, a singer, requires hard work and commitment, courage, confidence, and the ability to just get out there and be yourself. To not worry about what others think, or who's watching or whatever,”
 Shivers ran down my spine as I caught sight of Gloria again. “For me it's exhilarating, that moment when your just about to appear on stage to perform, your grand entrance. Whether I'm flying up from above or materializing from beneath the stage, it definitely is an amazing moment for me. It just gets your adrenaline pumping, you know. But I enjoyed seeing people enjoying themselves just as much as I did. I'm doing this all for the love of music, and for my love of God.” There was a shifting of feet.

The reporter once again had the camera on her again and asked another question. “Yes Kat that is just SO TRUE, and I think every celebrity knows what its like and what it feels like. And that last bit you mentioned, Kat. About God, yes. You are a believer?”

My voice kind of caught in my throat, and I nearly was tempted to close my eyes. But then I pictured the sight of my Dad and Mum, when they were still both together, and they by my bedside, reading a few verses from different books of the Bible to me: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.....So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of it.”

I stood up tall: I am a celebrity who will stand for what she believes in. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I do believe in God and I believe he loves me and cares for me when I need him. I can turn to him whenever I want to, and praying always helps. Yes I am a strong Christian, and God made me perfect and gave me these talents that I can share with you all!” There was a slight pause of silence, before the whole room erupted into applause. I nearly stumbled over in surprise! I thought I was surely in for some of the famous hollywood humiliation scenes!

“Yes, yes, It is very nice to know that we have such amazing singers who are so caring and friendly, and who are brave and strong in there beliefs. And who, like our sensational Kat McKenzie who has just set a courageous example, who just got up and said it all out there.” The reporter laughed and flipped her glossy, sleek hair for the cameras. “A bit like the new Justin Bieber perhaps, girl version!” There was another round of clapping and I couldn't stop smiling. I gave the reporter a friendly hug and made my way down the corridor, waving to all my fans, and doing my last round of autographing and pictures for the last time on my American tour. 

Mum and Dad would've been so proud. And I knew that up there, God would be proud of his daughter for standing up like that, not afraid, and He would be smiling down from heaven at Kat, with many more blessings waiting for her planned-out future as Kat McKenzie.  Young singing sensation, stander of her faith, a 'nicely new' asset in the world of fame. A touch of heart from Australia, reaching all the way to her first but not last stop in the United States.
Blooming Tour 2012 was a complete success. With a standing ovation.

Derrick and Ace were SO excited, they were literally buzzing. “Oh my gosh Kat you were AMAZING!!! Not only during the show, but what probably got everyone really liking you was getting to know the actual you! Almost better than the actual show! Just kidding. You were like the bomb, girl!!” Ace wrapped me into a hug and we both had a girly giggle. I turned to Derrick with a big smile.

He held up his hands. “Hey, hey, what can I say, Kat. Your my number one girl, I told you. I knew you had it in ya. A REAL superstar!” I laughed and hugged Derrick and thanked him. “But remember my girl, this is just only the start! Think of it this way: you have just sunk your teeth into a big, delicious chocolate cake. It was your first bite and you loved it, and of course you want more. And you've got the rest of your life, Kat, to finish up the rest of that cake! Or at least, move onto the second piece.” He laughed heartily. “We're still on the first bite!”

I nearly jumped into the limo, sighing with happiness. Until Bruno's eyes met mine. A cold, hard stare. It shattered my warm, soft haze, and instantly built up a wall of frozen ice. I just somehow knew, this instinct of mine, that things weren't going to be the same anymore. Including Bruno. And Gloria. And Jeremiah. And then of course that brought me back to that moment outside: the way he'd looked at me, and then Gloria being 'together' with him. The suspense was killing me. I had to ask.

So, in my most oblivious, casual and bright manner, I said. “Hey Bruno, can I ask you something?” He nodded. “Well, sorry, I don't mean to be TOO personal, but is there anything happening between you and that woman I saw you with outside?” I smiled genuinely, winking. My charm just couldn't be resisted, and the wall of ice thankfully cracked as he chuckled at me. “Oh Kat, you are certainly one for some juicy gossip. Fancy your chauffer in a love circle with a high lady, eh? As a matter of fact, that woman you saw is called Barbara. She's a very nice woman, I might say. Beautiful too, and she was so kind as to come and give me company outside. So, I am pleased to say, me and Barbara are actually soon meeting up together for a dinner date.”

I sat back, stunned. Barbara? Dinner date? Bruno and Gloria? This didn't make sense. “Oh Bruno, but that's wonderful! Gee you got me shocked then! Oh sorry about the last bit, I guess I should've invited you inside.”

Ah, Kat, but it's a good thing you didn't! If it weren't for your cold heart,” He winked at me. “No, I was just joking, Kat. If it weren't for you, Gloria would have never have noticed me and have gone outside to talk to me, and I would never have gotten to know her, and we never would've agreed to meet up on a romantic dinner date!” Well, this sure was a turn of events. But is what Bruno says true? It sounds believable, but I'm just not a hundred percent sure. I mean, who thinks they're destined to be soul mates with a random woman they meet for the first time? I mean, they'd only been talking for a few minutes at the most and he's already making out like she's his spouse!'s all an act.

I smiled to myself. Kat, Kat, you were always a big one for drama and mystery, weren't you? But maybe not. It could be possible. What if Gloria and Bruno were just simply hooking up because of ME? Since Bruno's my very own driver, he'll know lots about me....including where I stay and many other personal details. Perfect information for Gloria or Jeremiah, or both. Bruno could be partners-in-crime with them, for all we know. And is this dinner date really what it says it is, a romantic DATE? Or is it a set date for a set meeting in this crazy, scheming set up? Hmm, I would do my English teacher proud with all that alliteration. The arrows just all simply point in that one direction... (speaking of One Direction, that's my absolute FAVOURITE band! I hope I get to meet them!) Mental note to self: tour Britain.

Once thing's for sure, though. I had to keep my guard up high, from now on. No question about it. My suspicions have been vigorously stirred even more. Whatever this is, I'll get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I'm concentrating on continuing my dazzling career as a famous singer, continuing high school, and getting the man of my dreams: heart throb highschool hottie Josh Crawford (and there goes my alliteration skills again!). I was actually going to say Hollywood heart throb but corrected myself just in time. After all, you do see it in the headlines all the time. Maybe Hollywood has rubbed off me after all, too. In a good way, of course.


Angie groaned in mock protest. “We're going to need a forklift to lift Kat's suitcase out of here!” I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile at Angie, hugging her. It was good to be home! I hauled my suitcases up to the front door: I'd shopped so much in Hollywood that I'd needed to buy a whole new suitcase to fit everything!

Welcome home, sweetie! Oh we all missed you so much, and to see you acting so grown up and famous up there in Hollywood....” Mum had tears in her eyes as we hugged each other tight. I stifled a sob. I’m so glad that my Mum has finally remembered, and gone back to being Mum. Just my mum. I love her. “Wherever I am, whether it's on the other side of the globe or next door, I'll always remember you and I'll never forget you. Family is almost all a girl has- especially at fifteen!” We both laughed at that, wiping away our tears. Angie popped up. “Hey, guys! Whats up with the pity party? We have a whole afternoon ahead of us.....perfect for telling us what you were up to Kat!”

And with that they both disappeared inside, and I was about to turn to go into the front door when I heard a car pull up. I grinned and ran up to the car and flung the door open, nearly catapulting Dad over. “Oof! Easy there, popstar!” I snorted and this time nearly got catapulted myself as Budget, that silly shaggy German shepherd, launched himself at me, attacking my face with slimy, wet licks. “Now you are DEFINITELY famous! Oh and when you stood up like that for God in front everyone and the cameras and everything, well, I was pleased to say my little girl made me proud!”

Dad! I'm not that little anymore!” I playfully wacked him on the back.

Mum's face peered through the doorway at us, squinting her eyes. “Honey, who's that?” I swung around to face her, a pang of sadness in my heart, as I was once again reminded that my Mum still sometimes had to struggle with amnesia, though its rare now, but she’s much closer to recovery. “Oh um, it's Dad. Here's come to see me.” Mum's face clouded over, and then it cleared. “Oh, yes, of course. Now both of you come on in inside, don’t' just stand there in the cold!” I obediently followed, Dad behind me. When it came to Dad, Mum did get a bit edgy, when she was reminded. But, the good thing is, at least she thankfully overcame enough of the cloudy fog of amnesia to remember that she and Dad weren't actually together. No more of those awkward phone calls anymore!

So, at the dinner table tonight, we were all talking about my time in Hollywood, and all the spots of me in magazines and on TV. At the moment everyone was all arguing about who spotted me the most times in the media. I was seated on the right side of Dad, with Angie on the left. Mum was sitting across from me, with Grandma and Grandpa on either side (they'd come over to visit their “darling granddaughter singing her beautiful little heart out on television! Can you believe that? My word!”)

I told them all about everything that had happened in America, from start to finish. They all listened to me, awestruck. I swear I thought Angie's eyes were bulging out of her sockets. “Yay!! My sister's FAMOUS!!” Angie jumped from the table to no doubt ring one of her bestfriends to scream down the line she had a celebrity for a sister! I silently laughed, before turning my attention back. I decided to discreetly bring up the subject of school. “Oh and Mum, I've been thinking about it, and I've decide I want to go back to school next month. It would be the start of a new term anyway, so I wouldn’t be popping up in mid-week or whatever. I want to continue my education, and see all my friends again, too!” Mum looked a bit surprised at this, smudging even more pasta sauce on her chin as she swiped at it with a tissue. “Kat. Well, I don’t' see why not. Does your school uniform still fit then? I would hope so. I suggest you go over and ring your friend Mindy then, and ask about anything you need to know for the school. I gather you haven't been in touch lately?”

I felt a pang of guilt as yes, I realized I HADN'T been in touch with my best friend. How could I have been so completely stupid? I can't even remember the last time I even spoke to her over the phone! Sure, we'd been texting, but it wasn't the same. I got up from the table. “Yeah, your right. I'll go and call her now then. Oh, and by the way, it's Lindsey.” I quickly trotted away from the table before anyone could say anything and plunked down onto my bed, digging out my iPhone from my handbag.

Riiiiing. “Um, hello?”

Lindsey! What’s been happening? Guess who it is!”

My fairy godmother?”

Uh huh, very funny. It’s Kat McKenzieee. hghjhj....”


Anyways, you get the idea. Oh my gosh SOOOOO sorry I haven’t really been in touch. We haven’t talked in ages, Lindsey! Good news is I’m coming back to school next term, how greats that! Woohoo!”

Yayy!! Your finally excited about school! And, of course, the moment you’ve been waiting for: ME! Man it is GOOD to hear your voice, aside from television and the radio and yada, yada.” I laughed. “Yeah, I can always count on you to say that. That’s what I love about my Lindsey!”

Unh! I really, really hate to say this Kitty Kat but my mum’s, like, screaming off her head to get me to move my butt downstairs for dinner. How annoying, perfect moment, huh? Really am sorry, Kat, but see you....when was it?”

I felt a pang in my chest. “Saturday. Can’t wait to see you! Shakers Lounge, on the dot."
 "Well then, you can count on me to be there. Don’t let the back door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!”

And may the forces of evil get lost on the way to your front doorstep.”


I put down the phone and sigh, tears threatening to spill down my face. That was the same way we'd said goodbye for all those years we were friends. We were always so creative, and we’d always never minded doing things ‘different’. It was fun, really. The memories of it all had hit me full force, and I didn’t realize how much I missed Lindsey until we said those last few sentences. I’m such a baby. I climb into bed and turn off my phone, wanting to block out myself from the rest of the world. But I could wait until Saturday.


Sequel started.........available in 'Fame Tag Her Tail 2'

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This whole thing kind of started at the start of 2011. Personally, I've always loved writing stories & for those who know me I used to always read books but now I don't have as much time as I did before to borrow the whole library (xD) Call me a nerd, whatever. But that's what I'm good at. I'm book smart ;)
Many of these ideas came from other books I'd read, as well as my own ideas & the ideas of others. Melody Carlson's style of writing and one of her themes in her books is what inspired me in the first place. And then the ideas God gave me to continue and finish writing the story helped with the rest. <3

Thanks to my family: Mum, Dad & Steph, who read through it & encouraged me. Thank you to all my friends and peers who have also read through it.
I still have to go through it, edit it and make changes, but for now I've just written the story, so I need real feedback from other people so please give me your feedback!!! If you would like for a print out, just contact me and consider it to be done :) I have also started writing the sequel, and at the moment it is "Fame Tag Her Tail 2" but I will definitely add a proper subtitle to the book later on.

Okay, thanks, Ana xo

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