It's For Whoever (Obviously) xD ;P >.<

Part 5

Fame Tag Her Tail Part 5
I immediately fished out my iphone on that note, and called him straightaway. He answered on the first ring. “Hello? Oh God, is that really you, Kat? Oh thank the Lord....” he repeated over and over. I took a deep breath. Yes, my guess was right. He was there. Though I still felt a bit guilty for keeping him worried for so long. “Yeah, Dad. Erm, sorry about that. I guess I, ahem, forgot about that, what with everything happening.”
What kinds of things to you mean? I thought you were just waiting for me in the waiting room..?”
I was, but then I'd decided to check on Angie quickly to just make sure she was alright, and then started another episode, which ended with a chase.”
What? Don't tell me something bad happened AGAIN, Kat.”
So then I had to explain the whole baulky nurse Gloria thing and the chase at the end. I told him what the security guards had said, as well as a deeper insight on Angie.
And anyway, Dad, where are you now?”
Still in the waiting room, already driven everyone insane asking around about you. The receptionist is giving me the evil eye at the moment.” Just as I thought. And why wasn't I surprised?
Go see Angie now, and I perfectly assure that fake nurse Gloria is gone. But Dad before you go,” I quickly added. “Where is Budget? When I came home no one was there, not even our dog. Do you, by any bizzare chance, have him?”
Hmm, and it what way would that be bizzare Kat? You see, well. I was driving home from work when I discovered a quicker route I could take to and from the factory. So I was eager to try it out again, to see if I could remember it. Mind you, it was quicker by exactly five minutes.” I rolled my eyes, laughing.
Ok, ok, I get that bit. But what about Budget?” I asked.

I'm getting to that bit! No need to fret pet.” I did NOT like it when he called me 'pet'.
So, I had arrived home and had settled Budget in the boot. I did that because I'd also discovered an even closer vet to us on the new route, with, I must say with an air of pleasance, much cheaper prices I approved of. So I was planning to take Buster for a little unplanned visit to the vet, until you called.” Dad sighed, it was obvious his mind was on Angie. “But on the way back, I'll still take him, to get some point of him waiting out in the car for so long. The vet still fits in the route from the hospital. So don't go excpeting be back very soon. Just have your dinner and go to bed, you hear?”
Yes Dad, I heard you. Have a safe trip back!” I tried to keep my monotonious voice on the most cheerful terms as possible. No need for any grumbling from me. I ended the call, and my Call Summary flashed up on my screen. 19 minutes and 43 seconds. Probably my longest 'normal' call. Normal, excluding some calls from my best friends or a close relative from overseas.

A whole year later. 365 days forwarded from that day.
I was nervous. Really nervous. My hands gave me no mercy; they were so sweaty I probably wouldn't be able to hold a mike without it slipping. Butterflies flew around like tornadoes in my stomach, my intestines bunched up into knots and tangles. I couldn't even stand up straight without my knees trembling.

This was my night. THE night. A night we've- me, Derrick, my family, friends- have been working toward. I was going to perform my first album to the public. In fact, this was actually the first day.... of my tour.
You heard me right. I am finally touring.And this tour meant everything. Not only because it was my first ever, but because it was up to me to use this opportunity. If I stuffed up, it would cost BIG time. My career could suffer, and my reputation. Who knows what else? My self-esteem too. I, personally, did not think of myself as a failure. I wanted to succeed. I wanted to be famous.
Mum and Angie spotted me and came over, each in turn giving me tight hugs. I hugged them back, holding onto them for as long as I could. Mum still looked a bit bewildred. And she still sometimes called me the wrong name, or forgot what day it was, where we were, that sort of stuff. But she for SURE didn't forgot anything tonight! I grinned, despite myself. “Do your best for me out there, honey, will you? God is watching over you, he will be there by your side.” she whispered in my ear.
Dad and his fiance', Beata, come up to me next. They both hug me and wish me well. Dad gives me a kiss on the forehead, and then silently prays for me. Our heads bent, I drank in the calmnesses I felt instantly as my Dad prayed for me. I finally convinced myslef God was there. Beata's arm was wrapped around my shoulder, her eyes closed. I smiled. Dad definitely picked the right girl. She suited him. And she was a christian too.

The time came when I was forced to be alone. I waited beneathe the stage, ready to make my surprise entrance. I was going to be lifted on a podium right into the stage from beneathe, so it would look like I was magicall emerging from the center of the stage. I couldn't wait. I practiced my songs, over and over in my head. I warmed up my voice, and sang a few scales, the whole time repeating the words of my song. I was ready.
Just as I heard the host announcing me, I gulped down a few jelly beans, one of the crew members gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder, and I was off.

I felt myself surging upwards, and an exhilirating sight floored before my eyes. There were at least two thousand people here. There ready to listen to me sing. My purple glittery eyes sparkled in the bright spotlights, the sequins on my dress dazzling. My heels clicked as I strutted forward to the mike. And there was a blast of music.

Colours flashed and my song began. Rhythm beat through my head to the end of my toes, the music vibrating through. A grin spread wide on my face, and my voice carried to the end of the auditorium. I meant every word I sang, as my powerful, melodic voice washed over the audience. People were clapping and cheering. Teenagers jumped up and down, waving their arms in the air, swaying their bodies to the music. 

And the then the song finished, so quick, I realised. A tremendous sound of applause rang out, and people whistled and cheered their approval. Honestly, I felt like I'd won the lottery, or an Oscar. And then at that moment, I knew just the measure of my success. Yes, success, not failure. I didn't stuff up. They loved my songs.
So I sang through the night, all of m songs from my album. Between the breaks so many had rushed over to talk to me, congratulate me, even ask for an autograph! And I wasn't even properly famous! When the crowds would get too thick and too rowdy, some security guards would have to hold back the crowd, so I wouldn't get trampled. 

And then I'd be ushered back in the depths behind the scenes, where the crowds never saw. Where I'd again prepare for my next song.
Then, near the end of the night, as I was drinking a glass of water and helping my self to some pieces of fruit, something caught the corner of my eye. I quickly hid behind the couch, silly you think but I did. Strolling in my direction was that figure. Clad in a flashy business suit, I almost wouldn't recognise him. Jeremiah Sparks. What was he doing in a place like this?
Of course, he stopped short once he saw I wasn't there anymore. I was afraid he was going to come round and guwaff and point his stubby finger at me. Me, a supposed singer star, cowering behind a dingy couch. Okay, fine, the couch wasn't dingy.
But there was no time to ponder this, as I was once more ushered under the stage to sing my final song. “Going Blue”. (no line, no end chapter here)

I leant my throbbing head against the headrest and closed my eyes. I was simply exhausted after tonight. It was around midnight, maybe one, I wasn't that sure- I was too tired to really care. All I wanted at the moment was an iced tea and a warm, comfy bed. My voice felt extremely sore, I'd sung myself hoarse. How could proffessional singers sing like that every day, and be fine?Perhaps its because I'm not used to it. They say you have to do it on a regular basis, so your vocal chords can get used to using your voice to the maximum.
I sighed and shifted my heavy bag onto a more comfortable place on my lap. My hands went limp all too soon, and I'd fallen fast asleep. My bag slid to the floor of the car with a thud.

I woke up to the sound of loud barking, and stuffed my head deeper into my pillow. Budget was going crazy in the backyard, he probably wanted his breakfast. I groaned. My clock said it was 8:30 am, though it sure felt like six in the morning. But, as all professionals do, I thought as I struggled to sit upright, they have to wake up and be prepared for the day’s work ahead. It was about time I learnt that, and got used to it.
I glanced at my phone. I had exactly 167 messages and 9 missed calls. Wow! How was I supposed to read through all my messages? I wasn't that famous, and yet I had that much. Looks like I better get another phone, and keep the number private, only dished out to my limited circle.
Most of my missed calls were from Derrick. Was he really up so early? But I suppose adults are used to late nights, and then waking up early. I guess I better answer Derrick, whatever he had in mind. He probably wanted to congratulate me.
Riiiing ring. Riiiing ring. “Hi, Derrick speaking.” “Oh hiya, it’s me Kat. I only just woke up, sorry, so I did miss your calls, I apologise.” “Ah, there's no need, my girl. But I must say, you definitely knocked yourself out there, singing your heart out. A good outcome too, though. I've collected quite a good amount of offers, and I'm sure you'll be very interested in at least two or three.”
I beamed. I couldn't be any more excited, could I? “And, Derrick, what kind of offers are we talking about?” I couldn’t suppress my joy. He smiled back, his enthusiasm building. “Well, Kat! There has been a number of concerts you've been invited to participate in, some TV and magazine interviews, even a photo shoot! Good thing your such a beautiful girl, with an amazing voice. We still have a star to make out of you yet!”
And with that my pop star life began.
I looked out the tinted window of the limo, as the scenery flashed by. I was on my way to the airport. Me, Kat McKenzie, was going to fly on her first international tour. In America. I am going to tour in the USA. My assistant, Ace had already helped me conceal my sound equipment and mics and things beneathe the black and silver layers of my dress. And its a new-release Chanel, by the way. Ace said there wouldn't be time once we're out of the car and on the plane, plus you never knew how much paparazzi or fans would be there anyway. Getting your feet trod on and mikes in your face is not the ideal time for tucking wires near your bra.

Well, actually, I really hope my feet don't get stepped on because I just got my toenails done, and they're in a real pretty sparkly aqua colour, with a diamanté detail. Not to mention by new Christian Louboutins. The red sole is treeen-dy! We passed a glass building, and I saw a glance of our reflection.

I saw a shiny, sleek black limousine glide across the glass, the sunlight glinting off the roof, and the tinted windows offering a layer of protection of the face that was peeping out now. I am just SO lucky. In fact, this is just like a little slice of heaven! I thought with a happy sigh. I glanced across at Derrick, who was keeping himself content with the little glasses of champagne and tiny bottles of prawns they had in store in one of the many fold-out compartments in the limo.
I laughed silently, and pressed a small button on the side of my door. A little board or desk type of thing slid out with a little bowl of those prawns, and I think there was this chilli or be'chamel sauce or something. I gingerly dipped an oily prawn into the strange sauce, the black beady eyes staring at me. I bit into it hesitantly, and chewed it for a bit. Seafood was never my favourite, and the sauce was a tad bit too spicy. It made me thirsty, but there was no water in the limo, as far as I could see, only champagne.

I consulted this with Ace, and she said we could ask the driver to stop for a moment so I could buy a bottle. But, being a “nice” girl who preffered not to ruffle anyones feathers, I just told her I could wait. “You sure, Kat? Your the celebrity here.” Ace grinned, before snatching up her mobile when it started beeping frantically. I smiled brightly, despite my stomach starting to churn uncomfortably. Great, hopefully I didn't look green, because I had a bad feeling I was going to get a nasty stomach-ache. Finally, just simply FINALLY, the limo arrived at the airport. I gracefully climbed out of the limo, on tan leg out after the other. I was met by a flash of cameras and the loud hum of reporters.

I was momentarily blinded as I started walking towards the airport entrance with Ace, Derrick and one of his assistants who was handling all the luggage. I strutted confidently, stopping here and there, giving a brief smile & wave. Someone wanted to do a quick interview. I continued smiling & then kept my head down as I made my way to the terminal. One determined paparazzi snapped a photo just before I went through the security check and then went through. Derrick and Ace were right behind me as I boarded the plane.

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